Introducing Pierre !

Introducing our dear furry friend Pierre ….Ratatouille’s little brother ….also a fabulous chef !

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Getting some inspiration for tonight’s dinner in this classic Provencal cookbook in its 27th edition ( the first one dating from 1897 ! )

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Artichauts a la barigoule ( baby artichokes Provencal style )

Baby artichokes are in season now ….I found purple ones at the farmers market and some regular ones at Ralph . Try to choose them all about the same size so they cook at the same speed . First trim them by folding the first tough leaves so the bottom part of the leaf stays . Cut the tops and put in a bucket of water with a lemon juice to avoid them to get black as they do very quickly ( wear gloves or your hands will be black too ! )


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In a pan large enough so your vegetables won’t be stacked too deep, pour some olive oil , ad one large onion cut into large pieces , a bunch of spring carrots cut into medium pieces and the artichokes ( 20 or so ) If some are bigger , cut them in 2 so they cook as fast as the little ones . Cook open on high heat until the vegetables start to turn brown  stirring a few times . Season to taste , ad a glass of white wine , 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 bay leaves. Cover and simmer on slow until vegetables are cooked and tender ( 45mns or so ) making sure it stays moist …ad some water if needed .Do not over turn to avoid the artichokes from falling appart . If you eat meat you can ad at the beginning a box of cubed pancetta ( from Trader Joes ) …it goes very well with it …but do not salt or very little in that case


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And Voila !!

To serve as an apetizer ….Pierre is going to serve an other french delicacy found at Lillianna’s Delices ( Ben the owner sells Marocan and french specialty sausages , olives, harissa….at Farmer’s markets Found him on Facebook or call him at(619) 723-7496 )

Boudin noir or blood sausages are the sweetest , mildest smoothest of all sausages and my favorites ! To make it easier for American to eat this , it is best to cut them in thick slices , display on a baking sheet lined with parchemin paper and broil until warm and bubbly .

Make toasts with a good baguette, spead some real french mustard ( with seeds if possible ….we have some at the shop 🙂  a piece of sausage and some hot melting cooked apple ( sliced and cook with a little butter )

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Now the Piece de resistance !!

Whole Branzino on a bed of fennel in “papillotte”

We use to stop in Santa Barbara every time , just to eat a branzino at “Ca Dario” italien restaurant…this is the most delicious fish ever , moist but not oily and now we can buy the fish fresh here !

One branzino is enough for 2 guests . This is the recipe for 1 fish. (You can find it at Whole Foods or order it at Blue Waters on India street  )

First make a julienne with 2 fennels and a few carrots . ( using a mandoline helps for the carrots ) . Pierre likes to pre cook the vegetables in a little olive oil so they are tender . You can also just cook them with just a bit of water as this can be a very lean recipe ….still so tasty  !


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Grind a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a mortar , ad salt and pepper and put inside the fish . Oil the fish with olive oil . Salt  the skin as well . In a large sheet of parchemin paper put a bed of pre cooked vegetables, drizzle with olive oil, moist with some white wine , put the fish on top . Close the paper and tie the ends .Heat up the oven on high ( 425 F ) . This will cook in about 20mns . You can serve it in the paper or plate it if your guests do not know how to fillet the fish .

And for desert : Nougat ice cream over a red berries puree and an almond cookie !! Recipe …top secret 🙂


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